Stop for just a moment and look back on the past 24 hours of your life. Evaluate all your actions, your motives, your decisions, your accomplishments and what you may have put off until tomorrow. Ask yourself, “How am I going to feel tomorrow about today?”
Think about today as a day you can never return to and in tomorrow as a day too late. As decisions are made in a day’s time and throughout your life, take time to ask yourself how you will proceed to feel about your decision 5, 10, 20 or even 50 years down the road. We are all given the gift of living in the moment, and it is our choice and our choice alone, that will dictate what our future beholds and what will defy who we are and who we become.
Upon recently having a great conversation with someone I love deeply about life and about events (both fortunate and unfortunate) that have helped to create the mold to which we both exist, the thought occurred, “If a person is at one with who they are and can say with an honest heart that they are proud of who they have become, then can ‘regret’ in its truest form be said to exist?”… I stopped to look at my own life right in the midst of the conversation and couldn’t help but smile to myself in where my own journey took me. Being an ‘un’believer in the act of ‘regret’ to begin with, I began to consider all the tragedy and misfortunes (in or out of my control) that have happened in spite of myself and in spite of what I may have been striving for and began pondering the subject matter further…
By feeling regret for past or present actions or inactions, it places a mental boundary on where you are today and where you are striving to go tomorrow. You are never fully able to progress past that point in time, and you stay locked in what ‘could have been’ instead of what ‘is’ or ‘could be’ as a result of that particular situation. To feel as if you are pressed between two thick walls of regret that are holding you back from moving forward will cause you to do just that… stay idle.
Feelings, in general, are involuntary. What does this mean, you ask? Well, have you ever said to yourself or to someone else that someone or something is the cause of or to blame for your happiness, sadness, anger, disposition… etc? To put it in perspective; although these people, places or things may have had an impact on you and may influence your feelings, we are the only ones who are capable of extracting these feelings and bringing them to life both physically and mentally. It can be difficult to realize, but we voluntarily make a conscious decision to choose our emotions and to choose how we are going to react to any given situation. These situations can make endless attempts at penetrating through our surfaces and walls of protection, but only we can let them in and only we can allow their influences to impart on our mental and physical well-being.
It’s easier said than done, but it is important to realize this fact in every circumstance you encounter as you have every right to oppose the emotions of any external force that may wish to inflict regret over you. Those who are stuck in regret constantly use these emotions as an excuse to not accept what has happened or is happening and they create a wall (or ‘boundary’, if you will) that prevents them from being able to access the ability to grow from the situation. Think about it… What if we all made a conscious effort to choose our emotions and what we let get to us, instead of impulsively reacting to a scenario? By realizing that we are what we choose to be and by taking the time to listen for the ‘reason’ in each situation, we can then take what happened and assess the stipulation to work out in our favor. In all that we do, there is always a lesson to be learned and a way to grow physically and emotionally to benefit our present and future. Without the negative and bad aspects of life, we could never learn to recognize and appreciate the positive or good things. Without sadness or despair, we wouldn’t know just how wonderful a dusting of happiness could feel.
One of the things I have learned about regrets is, simply, not to have them. I view regret not only as a negative connotation, but also as a burden, or weight, that stays centered on our lives and won’t budge. As I was conversing with my loved one and taking all this in, I was once again reminded of why I regret nothing that has ever happened to me. Sure, I will be the first to admit that I have made some mistakes as big as my accomplishments, and that have I allowed other people more time than they deserved to treat me just as bad as I knew I should be treated good. I know I have caused hurt to others and I know I’m not perfect. But, that’s not the point. By stepping back and looking at exactly where my feet are planted in the sand at this very moment in time, I can look at all these events and know that I wouldn’t be standing in this very spot right now if even one of them hadn’t occurred. In the midst of all the hurt, pain and suffering I may have encountered on my life path, I can now say I have never been happier and that I know the worst is over as I have lived and learned and know I am now in complete control of my destiny. I also know that the people whom I have affected and the people who have affected me wouldn’t be where they were if not for the interactions we had together, whether bad or good. And you can even look at it a step further in that the people associated with THOSE people wouldn’t be where they are at either had such events never occurred. It is quite a humbling and mind-boggling concept to take in and grasp when you really allow yourself to get submerged in the theory.
Reminiscing upon certain events of my past, I remember, sitting back and just wondering, ‘Why? Why me?” I remember thinking that I would never get through the situation and that life definitely would never be the same. I can remember wishing so deeply and profoundly that I would give anything to go back and alter what had happened. The truth is, time will never stop ticking, and life will never stand still for anyone. Just as well, we can never return to a moment despite what the outcome is. Apart from what we choose to do, or what others choose to do, need not matter. Pick your feet up, lift your chin, and let each moment influence you to do better next time, to not make the same mistake again, to be proud and rejoice, to take it all in and savor it, to become a better person as a result, or to thank the person next to you for helping you discover something new about yourself. If you cannot return to change something from your past, there is no point in wasting precious time wishing for the impossible. Nothing from this moment on is impossible and why should we expend more time generating more possible regrets by regretting what we ‘should have done’. This is like an alcoholic who is so depressed about being an alcoholic (and all the issues that come along with it…) that he goes out to drink his sorrows away each night. Now, does this make any sense when you look at it from this perspective? Didn’t think so. So, WHY spend your time wallowing in what ‘could have been’, when you could be using that valuable time (you will later regret wasting) to do something productive that CAN be done?
Simply, life is too short as it is. Life isn’t forever and each moment is here, gone, and in the history books. The story of your life is exactly what you make of it each day. It is written based off your perceptions, your realities, your emotions and your burdens and regrets.
Live and learn and make the best of each day as one day your time will stop ticking all together. Make memories, not regrets and let your life aspire to greatness with each passing event. How will YOUR today look from tomorrow’s standpoint? Your future begins with You.
Until next time, Faithful Reader…
"Have no regrets. The elderly usually don't have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets." -Author Unknown, from Dreams
“Make the most of your regrets; never smother your sorrow, but tend and cherish it till it comes to have a separate and integral interest. To regret deeply is to live afresh.” -Henry David Thoreau
“Forget regret, or life is yours to miss.” –Johnathan Larson
“Regret for time wasted can become a power for good in the time that remains, if we will only stop the waste and the idle, useless regretting.” –Arthur Brisbane
Monday, September 28, 2009
Regret Me Not
Connect To Fitness,
Darian Parker,
Emma Pietrzak,
Las Vegas,
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sustain and Make Green Your Health and Your Life
Did you know?...
Most people use 50-70 gallons of water every day in their homes?
Or that:
American households spend over $1,000 annually on electricity?
Or how about:
Cars release 98 tons of fossil fuels into the air for every gallon of gas?
Energy is a facet of our lives that most of us don’t think twice about. As we hear, learn and read about the simple ways to help the environment by conserving energy, the simple fact is that most of us will not act on the advice given unless it comes down to be affected personally. And ladies and gentlemen… that time isn’t too far off in the distance.
Walking into Studio 222 Personal Training Centers here in Las Vegas (right on the corner of W Flamingo and Durango), for our September Health Fair and Connect To Fitness Event you would never know just by looking all the work that went into making this amazing facility environmentally friendly and as green as grass. As owner and innovator of this ‘green’ facility, James Wong went above and beyond to make his facility sustainable to the environment, and it’s definitely getting noticed.
With the biggest turn-out yet at one of our events, there was much to rejoice about at James’s studio. Having just picked up an entire cooler filled to the brim with smoothies donated from the Tropical Smoothie Café, I walked in (fashionably late due to a mishap) and was just astonished at the amount of people who filled the modest space of the private training studio. As I walked into the lobby, dragging the cooler behind me, I noticed food plates stacked with delectable yet healthy food options placed all around the studio. Right away my mind reverted to James’s Registered Dietician, Angelique Marquez, who has a really fascinating and alternative approach to the art of nutrition (if you don’t know her… do yourself a favor and GET to know her). So, needless to say, I grabbed a plate and took advantage of the quinoa dish she had prepared (which was aMAZing).
After laying my belongings down, my eyes diverted to the familiar faces of my colleagues, coworkers and friends from both the Professional Fitness Institute and Club Ridges as well as to the many new faces that were first-time CTF guests. James’s 3,300 sq. ft. studio was filled with activity, conversation, laughter and networking and I overheard and was a part of a great many conversations based around job connections. It was definitely a productive few hours!
With three prize giveaways amounting easily to a couple thousand dollars, we had one each hour, on the hour, Darian and myself had a blast handing out the generous prizes donated by many of our sponsors (including PFI and Lulu Lemon), Red Rock, Hara, and, of course, James’s amazing employees. Half hour and hour massages were given away via Lifan at Bodywork LV as well as two vouchers good for three FREE personal training sessions with personal trainer, Tracy. Also given away was a free nutrition consultation with Angelique, a free yoga class with Studio 222’s Registered Yoga Teacher David Oliphant (who is just incredible), $200.00 worth of free clothing from Lulu Lemon as well as two bags stuffed with goodies from PFI. The raffles are always one of my favorite parts of our events as it’s so humbling to see the faces of the prize recipients! As James took the floor during our first giveaway, he explained how he was able to be so successful in establishing a ‘green’ facility. Per his introduction and his website (, James went on to explain how he used repurposed wood in building his foundations, how he created (out of a refurbished and broken cooler) a large cabinet with reach-in bins for clients and guests to leave their belongings while training, how the mats under the workout equipment is made of recycled rubber, how he uses Earth-friendly cleaning products and how the paints he used in his facility are non-toxic and low in VOC’s. James also rarely turns on the overhead lights in the ceiling unless it’s too dark outside to see, and he tries never to use the air conditioning and instead relies on a few ceiling fans to cool the place down. Although he may have initially invested a little more in the beginning to ensure a sustainable environment, the financial payoff has been immensely successful for James in the long-run.
Snapping photos and mingling myself, I walked over to Lifan Hung, (an amazing friend, professional and person), and snapped a photo of her with a few guests and professionals at the event. Lifan is a Licensed Massage Therapist who also specializes in Kinesio Taping, which is a technique used to give your joints and muscles stability using your body’s own natural healing processes without affecting circulation or range of motion. If you were to watch the Olympics or any professional sports, you will see its prevalence within the athletic population. It’s a really neat and unfortunately uncommon technique that Lifan has given rise to making available to the Las Vegas community.
Walking around further, I couldn’t help but to stop and admire the amazing facility created by James. With minimal exercise modalities typically found in ‘typical’ gyms, James’s trainers utilize numerous functional training modalities within the studio. You will see functional trainers, a TRX Suspension Training System, a heavy bag and gloves, yoga mats (and a great instructor!), resistance bands, stability and Bosu balls, wobble boards, kettlebells, dumbbells, and many other practical and functional equipment not characteristic of many other facilities. The clients at 222 have the option of being exposed to many different aspects of their fitness and it isn’t common for almost every client to jump into a yoga session during their week of training, or to take time out to learn some boxing. The awesome thing is that James understands that fitness isn’t one dimensional and that you can progress more efficiently when you incorporate and put focus on every dimension of fitness including balance, coordination, strength, flexibility and so on. The diversity within the staff is very accommodating for helping clients reach their maximum potential. This studio is particularly neat to scope out as a trainer as there are so many tools to utilize and play with!
As the event progressed, the crowd continued to grow as the food slowly began to dwindle. Thanks to Angelique and Metro Pizza (who made a menu of appetizers specific to the needs of the event), everyone had the option of sampling some amazing and healthy dishes with all the flavor and no guilt! As I continued to make my way through socializing with the guests, I came across a couple familiar faces whom I hadn’t previously had the honor of meeting… the Sin City Socialites (GET to know these two girls. They are amazing.)! After coming into Studio 222 to do one of their infamous ‘reviews’, the Socialites returned to make a cameo at our event and were just a delight! If you haven’t read their review on 222, check them out on Blogspot (!
After socializing with the Socialites, I noticed some yoga action going on in one of the corners of the studio as David, the yoga instructor, was giving demonstrations to attendees of the event! How spectacular! David is amazing at his craft and specializes in hatha yoga in particular. He actually teaches the performers of Las Vegas’s amazing and popular show Le Reve. He is also teaches at other various venues in town and does private consulting with clients as well. You can learn more about David by visiting his website (
Over on the cardio equipment behind me was Jake Sanders, who was on a stationary bike that is actually interactive like a video game. To keep exercisers interested, you can watch the screen in front of you and race the computer, yourself, or (if you have another bike on hand) another person! I guarantee you won’t find this at any chain fitness facilities! As everyone crowded around Jake (who was having fun racing in his dressy street clothes), James carefully instructed and cheered him on along with the rest of the people looking over Jake’s shoulder. I smiled to myself as it is always such a great feeling to see others having so much fun and enjoying themselves.
Up to the front was a station set up by Adam Goodman, who was reaching out and letting people know about a great company he works for called Melaleuca ( Melaleuca is an all natural, organic based company which prides itself on being environmentally friendly in each of it’s products. James currently utilizes cleaning products from this company as well to enhance the sustainability of his facility.
With so much going on, it was a wonder that we got so much accomplished in three hours! After the third prize-giveaway, Darian made a final thank-you announcement addressed to everyone and, of course, kept the party entertaining by dancing right in the middle of the studio!
If you have yet to come experience an event, you should absolutely do yourself a favor and jump on board with CTF. Always a fantastic time and always progressing and striving for greatness on new levels, Connect To Fitness has successfully become the premier networking group for fitness, wellness and health professionals in the Las Vegas Valley. Yesterday, alone, spawned job connections and opportunities between a good number of guests who attended the event. I, alone, experienced a couple, which I am really excited to share with you in the future!
Thank you to all who attended and to all of our supporters and sponsors who have been with us since the beginning of our journey. The event at Studio 222 is proof of our growing success and following and we would love for you to join in as we continue our involvement in taking steps forward to make the world a better place and to connect the right people together to accomplish common goals.
The Earth around us can be sustained and helped so easily by the little things we can do to make a difference in creating a sustainable environment. On the flipside, the people who live in this world can also benefit immensely from the small changes we, as professionals, can make together to enhance our careers to, therefore, enhance the lives of those who need us. Don’t just stand there… get up, get out and make a difference.
Until next time, Faithful Reader…
“There's so much pollution in the air now that if it weren't for our lungs there'd be no place to put it all.” -Robert Orben
“Modern technology,
Owes ecology,
An apology.” -Alan M. Eddison
“Because we don't think about future generations, they will never forget us.” -Henrik Tikkanen
“The use of solar energy has not been opened up because the oil industry does not own the sun.” -Ralph Nader, quoted in Linda Botts, ed., Loose Talk, 1980
Most people use 50-70 gallons of water every day in their homes?
Or that:
American households spend over $1,000 annually on electricity?
Or how about:
Cars release 98 tons of fossil fuels into the air for every gallon of gas?
Energy is a facet of our lives that most of us don’t think twice about. As we hear, learn and read about the simple ways to help the environment by conserving energy, the simple fact is that most of us will not act on the advice given unless it comes down to be affected personally. And ladies and gentlemen… that time isn’t too far off in the distance.
Walking into Studio 222 Personal Training Centers here in Las Vegas (right on the corner of W Flamingo and Durango), for our September Health Fair and Connect To Fitness Event you would never know just by looking all the work that went into making this amazing facility environmentally friendly and as green as grass. As owner and innovator of this ‘green’ facility, James Wong went above and beyond to make his facility sustainable to the environment, and it’s definitely getting noticed.
With the biggest turn-out yet at one of our events, there was much to rejoice about at James’s studio. Having just picked up an entire cooler filled to the brim with smoothies donated from the Tropical Smoothie Café, I walked in (fashionably late due to a mishap) and was just astonished at the amount of people who filled the modest space of the private training studio. As I walked into the lobby, dragging the cooler behind me, I noticed food plates stacked with delectable yet healthy food options placed all around the studio. Right away my mind reverted to James’s Registered Dietician, Angelique Marquez, who has a really fascinating and alternative approach to the art of nutrition (if you don’t know her… do yourself a favor and GET to know her). So, needless to say, I grabbed a plate and took advantage of the quinoa dish she had prepared (which was aMAZing).
After laying my belongings down, my eyes diverted to the familiar faces of my colleagues, coworkers and friends from both the Professional Fitness Institute and Club Ridges as well as to the many new faces that were first-time CTF guests. James’s 3,300 sq. ft. studio was filled with activity, conversation, laughter and networking and I overheard and was a part of a great many conversations based around job connections. It was definitely a productive few hours!
With three prize giveaways amounting easily to a couple thousand dollars, we had one each hour, on the hour, Darian and myself had a blast handing out the generous prizes donated by many of our sponsors (including PFI and Lulu Lemon), Red Rock, Hara, and, of course, James’s amazing employees. Half hour and hour massages were given away via Lifan at Bodywork LV as well as two vouchers good for three FREE personal training sessions with personal trainer, Tracy. Also given away was a free nutrition consultation with Angelique, a free yoga class with Studio 222’s Registered Yoga Teacher David Oliphant (who is just incredible), $200.00 worth of free clothing from Lulu Lemon as well as two bags stuffed with goodies from PFI. The raffles are always one of my favorite parts of our events as it’s so humbling to see the faces of the prize recipients! As James took the floor during our first giveaway, he explained how he was able to be so successful in establishing a ‘green’ facility. Per his introduction and his website (, James went on to explain how he used repurposed wood in building his foundations, how he created (out of a refurbished and broken cooler) a large cabinet with reach-in bins for clients and guests to leave their belongings while training, how the mats under the workout equipment is made of recycled rubber, how he uses Earth-friendly cleaning products and how the paints he used in his facility are non-toxic and low in VOC’s. James also rarely turns on the overhead lights in the ceiling unless it’s too dark outside to see, and he tries never to use the air conditioning and instead relies on a few ceiling fans to cool the place down. Although he may have initially invested a little more in the beginning to ensure a sustainable environment, the financial payoff has been immensely successful for James in the long-run.
Snapping photos and mingling myself, I walked over to Lifan Hung, (an amazing friend, professional and person), and snapped a photo of her with a few guests and professionals at the event. Lifan is a Licensed Massage Therapist who also specializes in Kinesio Taping, which is a technique used to give your joints and muscles stability using your body’s own natural healing processes without affecting circulation or range of motion. If you were to watch the Olympics or any professional sports, you will see its prevalence within the athletic population. It’s a really neat and unfortunately uncommon technique that Lifan has given rise to making available to the Las Vegas community.
Walking around further, I couldn’t help but to stop and admire the amazing facility created by James. With minimal exercise modalities typically found in ‘typical’ gyms, James’s trainers utilize numerous functional training modalities within the studio. You will see functional trainers, a TRX Suspension Training System, a heavy bag and gloves, yoga mats (and a great instructor!), resistance bands, stability and Bosu balls, wobble boards, kettlebells, dumbbells, and many other practical and functional equipment not characteristic of many other facilities. The clients at 222 have the option of being exposed to many different aspects of their fitness and it isn’t common for almost every client to jump into a yoga session during their week of training, or to take time out to learn some boxing. The awesome thing is that James understands that fitness isn’t one dimensional and that you can progress more efficiently when you incorporate and put focus on every dimension of fitness including balance, coordination, strength, flexibility and so on. The diversity within the staff is very accommodating for helping clients reach their maximum potential. This studio is particularly neat to scope out as a trainer as there are so many tools to utilize and play with!
As the event progressed, the crowd continued to grow as the food slowly began to dwindle. Thanks to Angelique and Metro Pizza (who made a menu of appetizers specific to the needs of the event), everyone had the option of sampling some amazing and healthy dishes with all the flavor and no guilt! As I continued to make my way through socializing with the guests, I came across a couple familiar faces whom I hadn’t previously had the honor of meeting… the Sin City Socialites (GET to know these two girls. They are amazing.)! After coming into Studio 222 to do one of their infamous ‘reviews’, the Socialites returned to make a cameo at our event and were just a delight! If you haven’t read their review on 222, check them out on Blogspot (!
After socializing with the Socialites, I noticed some yoga action going on in one of the corners of the studio as David, the yoga instructor, was giving demonstrations to attendees of the event! How spectacular! David is amazing at his craft and specializes in hatha yoga in particular. He actually teaches the performers of Las Vegas’s amazing and popular show Le Reve. He is also teaches at other various venues in town and does private consulting with clients as well. You can learn more about David by visiting his website (
Over on the cardio equipment behind me was Jake Sanders, who was on a stationary bike that is actually interactive like a video game. To keep exercisers interested, you can watch the screen in front of you and race the computer, yourself, or (if you have another bike on hand) another person! I guarantee you won’t find this at any chain fitness facilities! As everyone crowded around Jake (who was having fun racing in his dressy street clothes), James carefully instructed and cheered him on along with the rest of the people looking over Jake’s shoulder. I smiled to myself as it is always such a great feeling to see others having so much fun and enjoying themselves.
Up to the front was a station set up by Adam Goodman, who was reaching out and letting people know about a great company he works for called Melaleuca ( Melaleuca is an all natural, organic based company which prides itself on being environmentally friendly in each of it’s products. James currently utilizes cleaning products from this company as well to enhance the sustainability of his facility.
With so much going on, it was a wonder that we got so much accomplished in three hours! After the third prize-giveaway, Darian made a final thank-you announcement addressed to everyone and, of course, kept the party entertaining by dancing right in the middle of the studio!
If you have yet to come experience an event, you should absolutely do yourself a favor and jump on board with CTF. Always a fantastic time and always progressing and striving for greatness on new levels, Connect To Fitness has successfully become the premier networking group for fitness, wellness and health professionals in the Las Vegas Valley. Yesterday, alone, spawned job connections and opportunities between a good number of guests who attended the event. I, alone, experienced a couple, which I am really excited to share with you in the future!
Thank you to all who attended and to all of our supporters and sponsors who have been with us since the beginning of our journey. The event at Studio 222 is proof of our growing success and following and we would love for you to join in as we continue our involvement in taking steps forward to make the world a better place and to connect the right people together to accomplish common goals.
The Earth around us can be sustained and helped so easily by the little things we can do to make a difference in creating a sustainable environment. On the flipside, the people who live in this world can also benefit immensely from the small changes we, as professionals, can make together to enhance our careers to, therefore, enhance the lives of those who need us. Don’t just stand there… get up, get out and make a difference.
Until next time, Faithful Reader…
“There's so much pollution in the air now that if it weren't for our lungs there'd be no place to put it all.” -Robert Orben
“Modern technology,
Owes ecology,
An apology.” -Alan M. Eddison
“Because we don't think about future generations, they will never forget us.” -Henrik Tikkanen
“The use of solar energy has not been opened up because the oil industry does not own the sun.” -Ralph Nader, quoted in Linda Botts, ed., Loose Talk, 1980
Monday, September 14, 2009
Life Is Like a Box of (Tainted) Chocolates
I can’t help but to be concerned…
“Aly Diabate, who is from Mali, was eleven years old when he was lured in Mali by a slave trader to go work on an Ivorian farm. The locater told him that not only would he receive a bicycle, but he could also help his parents with the $150 he would earn. However life on the cocoa farm of "Le Gros" (or "Big Man") was nothing like Aly had imagined. He and the other workers had to work from six in the morning to about 6:30 at night on the cocoa fields. Since Aly was only about four feet tall, the bags of cocoa beans were taller than him. To be able to carry and transport the bags, other people would have to place the bags onto his head for him. Because the bags were so heavy, he had trouble carrying them and always fell down. The farmer would beat him until he stood back up and lifted the bag again. Aly was beaten the most because the farmer accused him of never working hard enough. The little boy still has the scars left from the bike chains and cocoa tree branches that Le Gros used. He and the other slaves were not fed well either. They had to subsist on a few burnt bananas.”… (-
I don’t know about you, but I have felt pretty disgusted with the ‘news’ being portrayed and broadcast in our country. The above paragraph is real. Human trafficking takes place under our noses each and every day while thousands upon thousands of children are abducted and/or tricked into slavery and others are actually sold to laborers by their own parents for extra money… many of these children are as young as 4 and 5 years old.
Working from dusk until dawn, these children perform brutal labor under horrific conditions that lead to thousands of deaths a year. Just as well, they are beaten, rarely fed and are locked up each night like wild animals to prevent escape. Not to mention medical help is nearly nonexistent. What is the purpose for all this, you ask? One word…. Chocolate.
As I watched the news the other day (which I have resorted to rarely doing), all I saw and continue to be broadcast for the world to see are issues such as Michael Jackson, Michael Vick, Brett Favre and this supposed hermaphroditic Olympian (which, yes… I admit IS interesting). My point, however, is that even by watching the news, I feel as if I am being jaded by the actual ‘real’ issues plaguing the world. Sure, hearing about the death of Michael Jackson and the return of Brett Favre both in one year is attention-grabbing… but only for a moment. It seems the media has made American’s so incredibly naïve to what is REALLY going on the world that most people don’t even have a clue about these concentration-camp-like environments that people and people’s children right at this moment are living and fighting to survive in. Look at your children, or any child you love dearly, and imagine them at 5 years old harvesting cocoa beans so more developed countries can pay a pretty penny to indulge in products they worked themselves to death to produce for us. Imagine these children we love being fed next to nothing and having to survive often-times off corn paste for their only meals.
Cote d'Ivoire is a country that is historically known for their dependence on being economically stable through their reliance on exports. Particularly the cocoa bean. Because cocoa is an unstable commodity due to ever-changing market prices, local farmers are constantly on the look-out for ways to cut labor fees… even at the cost of a life. Presently, Cote d'Ivoire leads the world in cocoa bean exports by 43%, and the U.S. alone spends over $13 BILLION dollars per year on chocolate and is the leading importer of cocoa beans in the WORLD. Try that on for size next time you take a bit of that Hershey bar!
Although we are alone but one person, there are little things that each of us can do that will collectively help such a horrific cause. Think of that $13 billion dollars we spend per year on chocolate; if each of us chose not to purchase chocolate from those companies who are supporting Cote d’lvoire by receiving exports from them. Think if each of us chose to only to buy our chocolate bars and confections from companies who support only traffik-free chocolate. It would ultimately force bigger companies Cadbury's, Ben and Jerry's, Hershey’s, Godiva, Kraft, Nestle, See's, Toblerone, Guittard…. And the list goes on!) to rethink their options in regards to purchasing, and it would force local farmers in Cote d’lvoire to rethink their harsh and inhumane policies as their profits decline.
It is estimated that only a measly 1% of chocolate exported in the world is Fair Trade (child-labor free). I find that absolutely astonishing and repulsive that the United States of America who in no way, shape or form ‘supports’ slavery would be a chief importer of such commodities. Imagine if this 1% (with the help of all of us) could rise to 10%, or 20%, or 50%! By, instead, supporting companies such as Dunkin Donuts, Fred Meyer, H E B, Wild Oats, Whole Foods, Starbucks, Safeway (includes Tom Thumb), Target, and Trader Joe's (who all use Fair Trade chocolate), we can make a hefty contribution in helping to put an end to child-labor in the chocolate industry. It wouldn’t take hardly any effort on our behalf, and each of these places can be of easy convenience to most of us. It’s the little things in life that sometimes make the biggest impact. Sure, single-handedly we aren’t quite as capable as we could be united, but if we all did our part to create a unity, there is far more hope than if we just sit back and let this happen. Look for the logo of the third party certifier, Trans-Fair Company, on chocolate products to assure that no child labor was involved in production. Organic chocolate, as well, is considered Fair Trade as it isn’t produced or manufactured in areas prevailing in child labor.
Although I have brought up a very important cause that deserves our attention, this is by no means the only or biggest issue plaguing the world today. All around us and no where near us are issues that are putting the lives of large populations at risk and are, in turn, putting the future of the world in jeopardy. While we sit here complaining of our ‘long’ day of work while our children are safe, sound, unharmed and fed in their cozy beds, thousands upon thousands of other children and families are being plagued with malnourishment, slavery, abuse and torture, no work or being worked to death, and no roof over their heads. There are yet others who are suffering from disease, illness, and/or injury with no help or no cure. Others, still, are fighting overseas for our freedom, separated from family, friends, children and relatives. Not to mention issues affecting us globally such as global warming, the war on oil, the economy, wars between countries, energy conservation, healthcare, etc. Open your eyes to your surroundings and look outside the box that has been neatly packaged for your viewing pleasure. There are so many things we can do on our own to help in little ways with these issues and as I mentioned above, it doesn’t take much effort to support even just one of these concerns.
Pick a cause you believe in and stand by it. Do small things that don’t make time to make a difference. Turn off the electricity when you aren’t using it. Don’t litter. Recycle. Walk locally for a cause you believe in. Give blood. Donate clothes or a little money to a cause. Ride your bike or commute more often. Don’t smoke. Exercise. Educate someone else on something you are passionate about. Buy organic food. Don’t eat Cadbury Cream Eggs….
The list goes on! But my point is that the world is going to spin regardless of what we do to it. It will keep turning and time will keep ticking away, counting down to eternity. But HOW well and efficiently Earth’s counterparts act is in our hands. The more we let time slip away without taking action, the more we will have to worry about in the future. Instead of investing your time into worrying how Michael Jackson ‘really’ died, pay attention to the issues below the surface that are plaguing so many thousands and millions of people. Be proactive and take a few minutes of your time to be grateful for the life you are living and help support those who aren’t as fortunate. Life doesn’t have to be a selfish endeavor and I can guarantee you that the time invested into making small contributions will come around full circle. Without being said, being selfless in the act of giving is always self-gratifying. There is truly nothing more humbling and awe-inspiring than giving without expectations. Try it for yourself and see if you don’t feel just a little bit better about your day and yourSELF. We are all capable of doing great things. Or… let me rephrase that: We are all capable of doing greatER things. And we should live up to that potential not only by taking care of ourselves, but by taking care of the world and those around us.
With that being said, our main prerogative in forming Connect To Fitness is to give those of you the opportunity to be helped, to help others, and to give back to the community. We wanted to form a network where healthcare providers, professionals and those aspiring to be either/or have an outlet where they are able to band together in helping to make the industry and the world more efficient TOGETHER. There is a ton we can do on our own, but with the help of others and with each other, we can accomplish even more by being better, faster and stronger in our endeavors. Take advantage of this amazing opportunity that is right at your disposal.
Open your eyes and let in the light the next time you watch the watered-down news played over and over again and each time you long to pick up that Hershey Bar. Don’t shield yourself and open your heart and mind to looking beneath the surface. Many people need our help and what we do here and now dictates the future of you, me, them… and the world.
Until next time, Faithful Reader…
“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” -H.E. Luccock
“If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.” -Antoine de Saint-Exupery
“Cooperation is the thorough conviction that nobody can get there unless everybody gets there.” -Virginia Burden
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” –Winston Churchill
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” –Mother Theresa
“Aly Diabate, who is from Mali, was eleven years old when he was lured in Mali by a slave trader to go work on an Ivorian farm. The locater told him that not only would he receive a bicycle, but he could also help his parents with the $150 he would earn. However life on the cocoa farm of "Le Gros" (or "Big Man") was nothing like Aly had imagined. He and the other workers had to work from six in the morning to about 6:30 at night on the cocoa fields. Since Aly was only about four feet tall, the bags of cocoa beans were taller than him. To be able to carry and transport the bags, other people would have to place the bags onto his head for him. Because the bags were so heavy, he had trouble carrying them and always fell down. The farmer would beat him until he stood back up and lifted the bag again. Aly was beaten the most because the farmer accused him of never working hard enough. The little boy still has the scars left from the bike chains and cocoa tree branches that Le Gros used. He and the other slaves were not fed well either. They had to subsist on a few burnt bananas.”… (-
I don’t know about you, but I have felt pretty disgusted with the ‘news’ being portrayed and broadcast in our country. The above paragraph is real. Human trafficking takes place under our noses each and every day while thousands upon thousands of children are abducted and/or tricked into slavery and others are actually sold to laborers by their own parents for extra money… many of these children are as young as 4 and 5 years old.
Working from dusk until dawn, these children perform brutal labor under horrific conditions that lead to thousands of deaths a year. Just as well, they are beaten, rarely fed and are locked up each night like wild animals to prevent escape. Not to mention medical help is nearly nonexistent. What is the purpose for all this, you ask? One word…. Chocolate.
As I watched the news the other day (which I have resorted to rarely doing), all I saw and continue to be broadcast for the world to see are issues such as Michael Jackson, Michael Vick, Brett Favre and this supposed hermaphroditic Olympian (which, yes… I admit IS interesting). My point, however, is that even by watching the news, I feel as if I am being jaded by the actual ‘real’ issues plaguing the world. Sure, hearing about the death of Michael Jackson and the return of Brett Favre both in one year is attention-grabbing… but only for a moment. It seems the media has made American’s so incredibly naïve to what is REALLY going on the world that most people don’t even have a clue about these concentration-camp-like environments that people and people’s children right at this moment are living and fighting to survive in. Look at your children, or any child you love dearly, and imagine them at 5 years old harvesting cocoa beans so more developed countries can pay a pretty penny to indulge in products they worked themselves to death to produce for us. Imagine these children we love being fed next to nothing and having to survive often-times off corn paste for their only meals.
Cote d'Ivoire is a country that is historically known for their dependence on being economically stable through their reliance on exports. Particularly the cocoa bean. Because cocoa is an unstable commodity due to ever-changing market prices, local farmers are constantly on the look-out for ways to cut labor fees… even at the cost of a life. Presently, Cote d'Ivoire leads the world in cocoa bean exports by 43%, and the U.S. alone spends over $13 BILLION dollars per year on chocolate and is the leading importer of cocoa beans in the WORLD. Try that on for size next time you take a bit of that Hershey bar!
Although we are alone but one person, there are little things that each of us can do that will collectively help such a horrific cause. Think of that $13 billion dollars we spend per year on chocolate; if each of us chose not to purchase chocolate from those companies who are supporting Cote d’lvoire by receiving exports from them. Think if each of us chose to only to buy our chocolate bars and confections from companies who support only traffik-free chocolate. It would ultimately force bigger companies Cadbury's, Ben and Jerry's, Hershey’s, Godiva, Kraft, Nestle, See's, Toblerone, Guittard…. And the list goes on!) to rethink their options in regards to purchasing, and it would force local farmers in Cote d’lvoire to rethink their harsh and inhumane policies as their profits decline.
It is estimated that only a measly 1% of chocolate exported in the world is Fair Trade (child-labor free). I find that absolutely astonishing and repulsive that the United States of America who in no way, shape or form ‘supports’ slavery would be a chief importer of such commodities. Imagine if this 1% (with the help of all of us) could rise to 10%, or 20%, or 50%! By, instead, supporting companies such as Dunkin Donuts, Fred Meyer, H E B, Wild Oats, Whole Foods, Starbucks, Safeway (includes Tom Thumb), Target, and Trader Joe's (who all use Fair Trade chocolate), we can make a hefty contribution in helping to put an end to child-labor in the chocolate industry. It wouldn’t take hardly any effort on our behalf, and each of these places can be of easy convenience to most of us. It’s the little things in life that sometimes make the biggest impact. Sure, single-handedly we aren’t quite as capable as we could be united, but if we all did our part to create a unity, there is far more hope than if we just sit back and let this happen. Look for the logo of the third party certifier, Trans-Fair Company, on chocolate products to assure that no child labor was involved in production. Organic chocolate, as well, is considered Fair Trade as it isn’t produced or manufactured in areas prevailing in child labor.
Although I have brought up a very important cause that deserves our attention, this is by no means the only or biggest issue plaguing the world today. All around us and no where near us are issues that are putting the lives of large populations at risk and are, in turn, putting the future of the world in jeopardy. While we sit here complaining of our ‘long’ day of work while our children are safe, sound, unharmed and fed in their cozy beds, thousands upon thousands of other children and families are being plagued with malnourishment, slavery, abuse and torture, no work or being worked to death, and no roof over their heads. There are yet others who are suffering from disease, illness, and/or injury with no help or no cure. Others, still, are fighting overseas for our freedom, separated from family, friends, children and relatives. Not to mention issues affecting us globally such as global warming, the war on oil, the economy, wars between countries, energy conservation, healthcare, etc. Open your eyes to your surroundings and look outside the box that has been neatly packaged for your viewing pleasure. There are so many things we can do on our own to help in little ways with these issues and as I mentioned above, it doesn’t take much effort to support even just one of these concerns.
Pick a cause you believe in and stand by it. Do small things that don’t make time to make a difference. Turn off the electricity when you aren’t using it. Don’t litter. Recycle. Walk locally for a cause you believe in. Give blood. Donate clothes or a little money to a cause. Ride your bike or commute more often. Don’t smoke. Exercise. Educate someone else on something you are passionate about. Buy organic food. Don’t eat Cadbury Cream Eggs….
The list goes on! But my point is that the world is going to spin regardless of what we do to it. It will keep turning and time will keep ticking away, counting down to eternity. But HOW well and efficiently Earth’s counterparts act is in our hands. The more we let time slip away without taking action, the more we will have to worry about in the future. Instead of investing your time into worrying how Michael Jackson ‘really’ died, pay attention to the issues below the surface that are plaguing so many thousands and millions of people. Be proactive and take a few minutes of your time to be grateful for the life you are living and help support those who aren’t as fortunate. Life doesn’t have to be a selfish endeavor and I can guarantee you that the time invested into making small contributions will come around full circle. Without being said, being selfless in the act of giving is always self-gratifying. There is truly nothing more humbling and awe-inspiring than giving without expectations. Try it for yourself and see if you don’t feel just a little bit better about your day and yourSELF. We are all capable of doing great things. Or… let me rephrase that: We are all capable of doing greatER things. And we should live up to that potential not only by taking care of ourselves, but by taking care of the world and those around us.
With that being said, our main prerogative in forming Connect To Fitness is to give those of you the opportunity to be helped, to help others, and to give back to the community. We wanted to form a network where healthcare providers, professionals and those aspiring to be either/or have an outlet where they are able to band together in helping to make the industry and the world more efficient TOGETHER. There is a ton we can do on our own, but with the help of others and with each other, we can accomplish even more by being better, faster and stronger in our endeavors. Take advantage of this amazing opportunity that is right at your disposal.
Open your eyes and let in the light the next time you watch the watered-down news played over and over again and each time you long to pick up that Hershey Bar. Don’t shield yourself and open your heart and mind to looking beneath the surface. Many people need our help and what we do here and now dictates the future of you, me, them… and the world.
Until next time, Faithful Reader…
“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” -H.E. Luccock
“If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.” -Antoine de Saint-Exupery
“Cooperation is the thorough conviction that nobody can get there unless everybody gets there.” -Virginia Burden
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” –Winston Churchill
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” –Mother Theresa
Monday, September 7, 2009
Always Looking Up
“Why the long face?”, I asked the guest walking into the fitness facility who was looking down and who also appeared distraught.
To this, the guest sighed and replied, “Well… I had to work today (…pause… looking at me as if this explains everything…), THEN I realized I forgot my sneakers and had to go ALL the way home (…another pause… waiting for the world to pause in astonishment and pity…), THEN when I went home to get my sneakers I got talked into picking up my daughter from her tennis lesson (…pause… the Earth shatters into a million pieces…), THEN after I picked her up I had to go ALL the way BACK home to drop her off before coming to the gym (…one last pause… waiting for my reaction…).”
Throughout the duration of this conversation, I couldn’t help but NOT feel pity or sympathy for this person after being informed of the ‘misfortunes’ they had experienced. Now, before you question where this is going and ask “Why?” I felt this way; I want to share with you another event that happened on the same exact day…
I was just leaving the gym and I noticed in passing a middle-aged man sitting on the lat-pulldown machine who smiled and waved at me in my hurried frenzy to leave and get going with the rest of my day. Being in ‘the zone’, I almost didn’t see him, but had managed to look up just in time after turning off my IPOD. I stopped mid-stride, waved back, and walked over to greet him.
“Hi! How are you?”, I asked as I reached my hand out to shake his.
As I got closer and right before he answered, I realized this man was wheelchair-bound and disabled (and very likely completely paralyzed) from the waist down.
“I am doing just wonderful, my dear,” he exclaimed, “as it is always a great day when you wake up and realize you are alive!”
Right at this moment I thought to myself, ‘Why is it that the consensus I am being exposed to appears to be that the people who have the most to be grateful for are the ones who always have their chins down, while so many of the most inspirational people I meet are in dispositions that not many people could endure?’.
Now, I’m not stereotyping everyone as I have seen first-hand the exact opposite scenario happen as well. I guess just having gone through one extreme to the next within such a short time-frame with two totally different people in two entirely different ‘predicaments’, it had caused my cranium to consider this thought and to think about how often we all come in contact with similar situations on a daily basis.
Think back on the last occasion where you made acquaintances with numerous people in one day or at one time, and think about the responses you received from each person you introduced yourself to or reacquainted yourself with. What were the most common responses to your acknowledgement and how did the energy of each person affect you, personally?
In my own experiences, I have found that addressing individuals with a pessimistic outlook tend to subconsciously rub off to a certain degree. You might not be in a bad mood, necessarily, after talking with this person, but negativity can definitely try pretty hard to chip away at positive energy. The same can be said in communicating with a person who appears to be on top of the world. Contact with them is generally infectious as well and they are able to influence optimism to those around them. I can tell you right now, that the day I came in contact with those two individuals, I experienced this phenomenon to the fullest. Not to say the individual expressing their ‘problems’ at work brought me down, but I did find myself thinking negative thoughts about why he isn’t grateful for all he DOES have. Especially after meeting such a delightful man that same day who (in my opinion) had way more reasons to frown then most people I know, yet he was wearing the biggest smile I had seen all day… and he had given me one as well. Imagine that! We can actually induce others with feelings that reflect our emotions just simply by giving a negative response through our body language and responses to others. Powerful thought, huh?
While sitting and having a fantastic meeting with a great friend (who just also happens to be an amazing professional in the healthcare industry), Lifan Hung, she brought up an awesome ‘exercise’ that we should all think about trying. For the sake of this article, I am going to call it ‘Always Looking Up’…
For an ENTIRE day… I dare you to greet EVERY single person you come in contact by saying something positive. Even if your whole day has been based around mishaps and calamity and you feel so stressed that you can hardly contain yourself, and regardless of how the person on the other end responds… Just breathe… smile… and say something infectiously positive to each person you see for that day. I can absolutely guarantee you that not only will you make another person’s day more worthwhile, but you will also create and embellish a strong, empowering, and positive affirmation within yourself as well. Just try it. Just for a day and be cognizant of how you feel and how others you interact with react to your optimism. It might just be so infectious that you decide to use it everyday!
Just as well, when I was around ages 15-16, I can remember a time when I was headed into a convenience store. Walking to the door, I heard footsteps behind me, so I opened the doors in front of me, turned, and held them open for the individual who was a few steps behind me. Surprised, the man stopped for a moment, hesitated, and said, “Oh!... Well… thanks!”. He then continued forward and into the store. Following behind, I grabbed what I was looking for and (ironically) was now standing behind the same man I had held the door for in line. After he checked out and left, I checked out myself and headed to the door where it was opened from the outside. Caught off guard and putting my spare change in my purse, it was my turn to pause at this unexpected gesture.
Walking through the doors and looking up, I saw the familiar face of a man returning a favor peer out and as I treaded forward, he kindly said, “I wanted to ‘thank-you’ for your kindness earlier.”
“Why is that?”, I asked, confused.
To which he said, “I have been really down lately… and I mean REALLY down. And no one has given me the time of day. I don’t know why I’m telling you this,” he said under his breath, “but today it got to the point where I wanted to end my life. Thank you for helping me remember how good it feels to smile.”
Speechless, I said, “You’re welcome.”, and with a tip of his hat he walked away… with his chin held high.
To say this event didn’t change my life would be an absolute lie. I never really told anyone about this incident as it just didn’t feel appropriate until now. After that moment and to this day, I take careful prominence in making sure to say ‘Hello’ to (most) anyone I encounter and to be as friendly as possible to the people around me. You just never know what your actions might mean to someone. Each person has a unique story and each person, as an individual, is dealing with specific problems, issues and stresses that affect each person to a different degree. Never judge a book by its cover and never underestimate or take for granted the power of spoken word. You have no idea what each person you encounter on a daily basis is going through behind closed doors, and what a kind comment or acknowledgement might do to make someone’s day better… or their life.
I dare you, Faithful Reader, to set all worries, stresses, ‘problems’ and issues aside and devote an entire day to optimism. The more you speak of positivity, the more you will act on it and the more you will infect those around you with the same kindness you exert yourself. Don’t be one of those people who allows a leaky faucet ruin their day. Instead, look at the things that you are grateful for. Stop and smell the roses and notice the little things in life that bring a smile to your face. Learn that the glass is always full… but only if we let it be. Remember that ‘perception is reality’ and that by changing your thoughts, you can change all that surrounds you.
And lastly, oh lastly, don’t ever wait for perfection, but praise and commend progress. By appreciating the small steps leading to the big result, you can gain a better appreciation and understanding of yourself and your life in a way that someone being handed something will never be able to identify with. By changing your thoughts, you can change your life… or someone else’s.
Until next time, Faithful Reader…
“If you haven't any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble.” -Bob Hope
“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” -Plato
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” -Leo Buscaglia
“To give and then not feel that one has given is the very best of all ways of giving.” -Max Beerbohm
To this, the guest sighed and replied, “Well… I had to work today (…pause… looking at me as if this explains everything…), THEN I realized I forgot my sneakers and had to go ALL the way home (…another pause… waiting for the world to pause in astonishment and pity…), THEN when I went home to get my sneakers I got talked into picking up my daughter from her tennis lesson (…pause… the Earth shatters into a million pieces…), THEN after I picked her up I had to go ALL the way BACK home to drop her off before coming to the gym (…one last pause… waiting for my reaction…).”
Throughout the duration of this conversation, I couldn’t help but NOT feel pity or sympathy for this person after being informed of the ‘misfortunes’ they had experienced. Now, before you question where this is going and ask “Why?” I felt this way; I want to share with you another event that happened on the same exact day…
I was just leaving the gym and I noticed in passing a middle-aged man sitting on the lat-pulldown machine who smiled and waved at me in my hurried frenzy to leave and get going with the rest of my day. Being in ‘the zone’, I almost didn’t see him, but had managed to look up just in time after turning off my IPOD. I stopped mid-stride, waved back, and walked over to greet him.
“Hi! How are you?”, I asked as I reached my hand out to shake his.
As I got closer and right before he answered, I realized this man was wheelchair-bound and disabled (and very likely completely paralyzed) from the waist down.
“I am doing just wonderful, my dear,” he exclaimed, “as it is always a great day when you wake up and realize you are alive!”
Right at this moment I thought to myself, ‘Why is it that the consensus I am being exposed to appears to be that the people who have the most to be grateful for are the ones who always have their chins down, while so many of the most inspirational people I meet are in dispositions that not many people could endure?’.
Now, I’m not stereotyping everyone as I have seen first-hand the exact opposite scenario happen as well. I guess just having gone through one extreme to the next within such a short time-frame with two totally different people in two entirely different ‘predicaments’, it had caused my cranium to consider this thought and to think about how often we all come in contact with similar situations on a daily basis.
Think back on the last occasion where you made acquaintances with numerous people in one day or at one time, and think about the responses you received from each person you introduced yourself to or reacquainted yourself with. What were the most common responses to your acknowledgement and how did the energy of each person affect you, personally?
In my own experiences, I have found that addressing individuals with a pessimistic outlook tend to subconsciously rub off to a certain degree. You might not be in a bad mood, necessarily, after talking with this person, but negativity can definitely try pretty hard to chip away at positive energy. The same can be said in communicating with a person who appears to be on top of the world. Contact with them is generally infectious as well and they are able to influence optimism to those around them. I can tell you right now, that the day I came in contact with those two individuals, I experienced this phenomenon to the fullest. Not to say the individual expressing their ‘problems’ at work brought me down, but I did find myself thinking negative thoughts about why he isn’t grateful for all he DOES have. Especially after meeting such a delightful man that same day who (in my opinion) had way more reasons to frown then most people I know, yet he was wearing the biggest smile I had seen all day… and he had given me one as well. Imagine that! We can actually induce others with feelings that reflect our emotions just simply by giving a negative response through our body language and responses to others. Powerful thought, huh?
While sitting and having a fantastic meeting with a great friend (who just also happens to be an amazing professional in the healthcare industry), Lifan Hung, she brought up an awesome ‘exercise’ that we should all think about trying. For the sake of this article, I am going to call it ‘Always Looking Up’…
For an ENTIRE day… I dare you to greet EVERY single person you come in contact by saying something positive. Even if your whole day has been based around mishaps and calamity and you feel so stressed that you can hardly contain yourself, and regardless of how the person on the other end responds… Just breathe… smile… and say something infectiously positive to each person you see for that day. I can absolutely guarantee you that not only will you make another person’s day more worthwhile, but you will also create and embellish a strong, empowering, and positive affirmation within yourself as well. Just try it. Just for a day and be cognizant of how you feel and how others you interact with react to your optimism. It might just be so infectious that you decide to use it everyday!
Just as well, when I was around ages 15-16, I can remember a time when I was headed into a convenience store. Walking to the door, I heard footsteps behind me, so I opened the doors in front of me, turned, and held them open for the individual who was a few steps behind me. Surprised, the man stopped for a moment, hesitated, and said, “Oh!... Well… thanks!”. He then continued forward and into the store. Following behind, I grabbed what I was looking for and (ironically) was now standing behind the same man I had held the door for in line. After he checked out and left, I checked out myself and headed to the door where it was opened from the outside. Caught off guard and putting my spare change in my purse, it was my turn to pause at this unexpected gesture.
Walking through the doors and looking up, I saw the familiar face of a man returning a favor peer out and as I treaded forward, he kindly said, “I wanted to ‘thank-you’ for your kindness earlier.”
“Why is that?”, I asked, confused.
To which he said, “I have been really down lately… and I mean REALLY down. And no one has given me the time of day. I don’t know why I’m telling you this,” he said under his breath, “but today it got to the point where I wanted to end my life. Thank you for helping me remember how good it feels to smile.”
Speechless, I said, “You’re welcome.”, and with a tip of his hat he walked away… with his chin held high.
To say this event didn’t change my life would be an absolute lie. I never really told anyone about this incident as it just didn’t feel appropriate until now. After that moment and to this day, I take careful prominence in making sure to say ‘Hello’ to (most) anyone I encounter and to be as friendly as possible to the people around me. You just never know what your actions might mean to someone. Each person has a unique story and each person, as an individual, is dealing with specific problems, issues and stresses that affect each person to a different degree. Never judge a book by its cover and never underestimate or take for granted the power of spoken word. You have no idea what each person you encounter on a daily basis is going through behind closed doors, and what a kind comment or acknowledgement might do to make someone’s day better… or their life.
I dare you, Faithful Reader, to set all worries, stresses, ‘problems’ and issues aside and devote an entire day to optimism. The more you speak of positivity, the more you will act on it and the more you will infect those around you with the same kindness you exert yourself. Don’t be one of those people who allows a leaky faucet ruin their day. Instead, look at the things that you are grateful for. Stop and smell the roses and notice the little things in life that bring a smile to your face. Learn that the glass is always full… but only if we let it be. Remember that ‘perception is reality’ and that by changing your thoughts, you can change all that surrounds you.
And lastly, oh lastly, don’t ever wait for perfection, but praise and commend progress. By appreciating the small steps leading to the big result, you can gain a better appreciation and understanding of yourself and your life in a way that someone being handed something will never be able to identify with. By changing your thoughts, you can change your life… or someone else’s.
Until next time, Faithful Reader…
“If you haven't any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble.” -Bob Hope
“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” -Plato
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” -Leo Buscaglia
“To give and then not feel that one has given is the very best of all ways of giving.” -Max Beerbohm
Connect To Fitness,
Emma Pietrzak,
Las Vegas,
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