“Cancer never sleeps.”…
As I listened to this heartfelt sentence roll off the tongue of a man speaking on behalf of his wife and her battle with cancer, I felt my throat tighten up and the silence of the moment stab through me like a knife. As the man spoke, his wife’s story unfolded as he choked out each word. Breast cancer was her first battle… “Cancer never sleeps.” Bone Cancer struck second… “Cancer never sleeps.” Brain cancer came next… “Cancer never sleeps.” Liver, kidney, and lung cancer are now her latest diagnosis… Cancer. Doesn’t. Sleep. Listening to him tell her story, I stood beside myself in devastating awe as I came to terms with the realization of passion, strength and courage this man bestowed.
Think of a situation in which you, Faithful Reader, experienced someone you know directly or indirectly suffering through a battle with disease. Recall the helplessness and urgency to find a way out. A way to take away the pain. A way to help FIGHT and defeat the battle.
Each year, each day, each moment, countless people are affected by disease. Each day, hundreds and thousands of people are up against great odds to overcome a never-ending combat that puts them in the middle of life and death. Until we or someone we know is impinged with one of Life’s dark angels, we seldom sit and think about the different things we could be doing to make a difference in the lives of many.
I was reminded of all these feelings and emotions and was influenced by the sense of urgency when I was seated at the ‘Relay For Life’ Kickoff Event held in Boulder City, NV this past Saturday the 23rd of January. Shortly after moving to Las Vegas last year, I remember crystal clear the first day I traversed to Boulder City with Dr. Darian Parker to meet with Marcie Gibson, who is the Fitness Center Supervisor of the City of Boulder City. She is highly involved in Boulder City’s community organizations and events and her passion radiates above and beyond most people I have ever met before. It was during that meeting where we discussed an alliance between the City of Boulder City and Connect To Fitness and how we could develop a helping relationship between Vegas and Boulder City. Both fans of this spectacular small town, Darian and myself couldn’t help but to be extremely excited about becoming more involved with this community and in having an excuse to venture out that way more often.
In meeting with Marcie, we discussed much about the fitness scene in Boulder City and how we can become a part of it. One of the events put on each year is the ‘Relay For Life’ walk in which the entire town gets together and supports this great cause to raise cancer awareness. One of the main objectives (aside from the fact that it’s a worthy cause) that caught our attention was Marcie’s explanation on how the volunteer committee, which is very, very small, work over 24 hours straight to make this event successful. This committee is dedicated to their accountability in making sure the event runs smoothly and in the process they end up volunteering a ton of their time to the cause. It is truly inspiring how dedicated these individuals are in their devotions and that, in itself, piqued my interest and sparked a light from underneath me that had me agreeing to come out and help this May before I could even hesitate to answer. The cause is just too great and they truly don’t have enough helping hands at their events. Although the CTF Team will probably be up for most of this 24 hours as well (setting up, working, and tearing down), knowing we are helping others and that we are contributing to something worthwhile. I also remember thinking how excited I was for the kick-off event after the New Year.
As I drove into Boulder City, I smiled to myself and basked in the sunlight washing over me through the driver’s side window and miraculously watched on as the desert became a small, green town. As I traversed down the 215 and slowed as it turned into Nevada Way, I was once again reminded of the small town I used to live in; Waterford, PA. Driving into Boulder City, you immediately forget about all things ‘Vegas’ as there is no huge or towering buildings, heavy traffic, casinos, flashing lights, or much of anything that stands out in particular. What you see is a historic town that encompasses and preserves its roots and foundation much like Las Vegas treasures and openly invites every new trend and disassociates itself with anything old or out of style. My hometown was much like Boulder City, right down to the one, small, main street of independent small business owners and mom and pop restaurants and shops amongst a sea of modest houses. Although I absolutely LOVE the big city mentality and rapidity of Las Vegas, it is really a great asset to know that if you want to relieve yourself of the city chaos, you can drive a half hour and be in a totally different atmosphere enjoying a completely different and fantastic experience.
As I pulled up to the Boulder Dam Brewery right on this main street, I followed the car in front of me and took a right at the single stop sign to find a parking spot. Having become accustomed to Las Vegas where you will rarely, if ever, find parking right away, I conveniently parked right across the street from the Brew Pub and walked across the 2-lane street and immediately saw the one and only Marcie Gibson (who basically is a one-woman show in running Boulder City’s fitness agenda) turning the same corner I was approaching. After greeting her, we walked together, chatting about what’s new and discussing our excitement about Relay For Life. Approaching the main site of the Event, which was taking place in the outdoor part of the restaurant, I then saw Dr. Darian Parker and his wife, Michelle and ran over and greeted them as well. I walked with Darian over to the registration table and he sat down and began the ‘official’ creation of our Connect To Fitness team. It was a really gratifying moment and it became an affirmation to begin our mission to prepare for the month of May. As Darian signed us up, I looked around and marveled at the beauty around me and reminisced of my own small town.
The event, appropriately called ‘Brewin’ and Stewin’, conjured up a great number of people and it was different to see how everyone knew each other. The chances of running into someone you know in Vegas are slim, but in Boulder City, everyone knows each other by name. Homeade stews and soups lined the tables in back and Darian, Michelle and I passed through the line numerous times to sample and devour the delicious temptations in each Crockpot. From beef, to chicken, to barley, to potato, to macaroni and cheese, to cornbread; there was something for everyone and plenty to go around. As we sat and enjoyed the taste of home-cooking, a few speakers, including Marcie, took center stage up front where the DJ was making noise and spoke on behalf of the event and it’s purpose. As Marcie introduced the rest of her committee (all of about 6 other people), she also reflected as to why they were chosen for their different positions and what inspired them to jump onboard. Each committee member had a specific story on how cancer impacted them directly or indirectly and it reminded me to remember that you never know what someone else is going through. Someone who has, had or will have cancer does or may look exactly like the person next to them who is not affected.
Ranking second in total deaths only after heart disease, cancer claimed nearly 1/3 of total deaths in the United States in 2009, and it is expected that over 1.5 million more cases will arise this year as well (http://www.cancer.org/docroot/home/index.asp?level=0). It is rapidly spreading like fire day by day and the statistics are showing it’s not slowing down anytime soon.
THINK if we had a cure! THINK if you and/or someone you know never again had to be affected. THINK how many more lives may be spared in such an event. Just THINK of the possibilities! The catch? It starts with US and us alone. While listening to that man speak on behalf of his wife, I became suddenly aware of it’s existence in my own life. It has gone through many times in my family, most recently with my own cousin who lost his life battle to this disease just a couple months ago. Knowing that statistically 1 in every 2 men may develop some type of cancer and that 1 in every 3 women may do the same, I feel uncomfortable knowing that statistics aren’t on my side. The number ‘3’ resonates in my mind and as I look around the event at all the attentive faces fixated on the man standing in front of me, I think how much easier and less-painful Life would be and would have been for so many of these individuals who have lived through experience. I think about how unexpectedly it lurks and how anyone in the world is at risk and not safe from cancer’s grasp. As my own eyes well with tears, I am reminded again of how precious the gift of Life is and how walking for a cause like cancer is actually a walk for LIFE. To help maybe get just a little bit closer to finding the cure. I am suddenly filled with honor and with LIFE and I listen intently to someone braver than I know how to be. Knowing how fortunate I am makes me want to be a better person in sharing the gift of LIFE with others. We ALL have so much to give, and to give the gift of volunteering is as gratifying as Life itself.
Come join us as we raise cancer awareness in Boulder City by walking for the Relay For LIFE. Connect To Fitness is dedicated to giving back as much as we have been given and the limits to our existence in both Vegas and beyond is… well… limitLESS. We are but one person. One truth. One Life. But we have the . capacity to make a vast difference together and NOW. Come with us on the walk to everlasting Life and support a great cause while having fun. If you don’t frequent Boulder City too often, take this opportunity and come enjoy a whole new world located just next door to Vegas.
“Cancer never sleeps.”… But one day it will. It all starts with YOU. It all starts right NOW. Let’s walk together and finish strong in the Relay For Life.
Until next time, Faithful Reader…
“Together we can help celebrate more birthdays…”
–Marcie Gibson
“Cancer is a word, not a sentence.”
-John Diamond
“During chemo, you're more tired than you've ever been. It's like a cloud passing over the sun, and suddenly you're out. You don't know how you'll answer the door when your groceries are delivered. But you also find that you're stronger than you've ever been. You're clear. Your mortality is at optimal distance, not up so close that it obscures everything else, but close enough to give you depth perception. Previously, it has taken you weeks, months, or years to discover the meaning of an experience. Now it's instantaneous.”
-Melissa Bank
“The power of love to change bodies is legendary, built into folklore, common sense, and everyday experience. Love moves the flesh, it pushes matter around.... Throughout history, "tender loving care" has uniformly been recognized as a valuable element in healing.”
-Larry Dossey
“It is in moments of illness that we are compelled to recognize that we live not alone but chained to a creature of a different kingdom, whole worlds apart, who has no knowledge of us and by whom it is impossible to make ourselves understood: our body.”
~Marcel Proust