Dear Faithful Reader,
“We spend January 1st walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives… not looking for flaws, but for potential.”… With the New Year upon us, how are planning resolve your resolutions? What mark are you going to leave on the world in 2010?
With 2010 upon us, we need to buckle down and take a look at the big picture. While the New Year should be a time to celebrate and encompass the spirit of the season, it is also a time to gear up, buckle down and open our eyes to the road ahead.
Today is an opportunity and it’s the chance for you to make a difference not only within yourself, but throughout the rest of the world. Look around you. I mean really look around you. Let the world go in slow motion as you view the prevalence of obesity, as you view the ever-growing population of sick, diseased and suffering individuals who don’t know how or where to go for help. This is why you entered into this industry. The people who need our help need it now and WE are going to be the ones who make the most difference in the lives of the millions of people who need our help whether they or WE even know it. How many times a year does a typical person see their family (or other) practitioner? How many times do you go see the doctor a year? A typical response to this question is one, maybe two times. Although most doctors can be effective at leading patients in the right direction, who is going to be there the other 363-364 days of their lives? The answer?... YOU. YOU are the one who needs to step in and take the reins during that time. As trainers and fitness professionals, we see our clients (on average) 1-3 times per WEEK! That is an incredible amount of time to have a profound effect on someone’s life and way of living. And, if you are an outstanding professional (which we are all striving to be, right?), you will make it a point to be even more involved with your clients even after they leave your facility or studio. Our goal is to encompass the person as a whole and to make every aspect of their life better than it was before they came to you.
Most people who are unhealthy have never even experienced what it feels like to feel ‘good’. To ACTUALLY feel ‘good’. If they know (as we do) what being healthy feels like from a mental and physical standpoint, I guarantee they will never return to the way they were. We have to show them what it feels like and we have to inspire them to believe in being healthy and motivate them to make a change to lead a better life. Without you to hold them accountable and to educate them, they have NO ONE. This is YOUR time to step up and vow to give your all to make a difference. 2010 is here and the days are passing by. How they pass by is up to you. Are you going to sit there and watch; waiting for something to happen, or are you going to get up and do SOMETHING? Look around you and let your mind hover around the epidemics plaguing the world. Step outside of the pretty picture and get down to the nitty gritty. THIS is what we are up against, and it is going to take each and every one of us to put a dent into all that has been corrupted, manipulated and destroyed in our industry. Stand with me now.
We are up against monsters, folks, and it is going to be a rocky, bumpy, cloudy and exhausting road. We have to be willing to put up a fight, and a good fight at that. We need to show the world why we DESERVE to be treated with respect. Why we DESERVE to be listened to. Why we DESERVE a flawless reputation. There are so many people who are currently in our industry giving us a bad name right this very moment in time. Right NOW there are 'professionals' sabotaging our name and repelling people from getting the help they need. Because regulations are so lax, almost anyone can be a healthcare provider of some sort. We are looked down upon because of those individuals and our reputation is being sabotaged amongst other healthcare providers. We aren’t taken seriously and we never WILL be unless we band together and do something about it. Why should we let those individuals overtake all that we are working so hard for everyday? We don’t deserve this. The people of the world don’t deserve this. Don’t wait until the damage is irreversible. Get up NOW and do something. Rise with me and raise your torch! Stand shoulder to shoulder with your beliefs and hold your shield before you just high enough so you can still see the light in front of you. The road is going to get dark. It’s going to get scary. But we have one shot. One life. One TIME to get this right. There is no turning back and there is NO stopping. Put one foot in front of the other and keep pushing forward. Make yourself stand out in the crowd. When you see something terribly wrong being done by the person next to you, allow yourself to not give up or be discouraged, but use these times to remind you why it’s so important to be just THAT much better. It is your job. It is your duty. This is your LIFE. We have a lot of slack to make up for, but if we all try ten times harder to make up for one person each, we are making significant progress and we will eventually be able to separate the good from the bad. After that, it’s only a matter of time before the rest is done for us. Let’s make the gap between the GREAT and the not-so-great SO big that people will have no choice but to notice us. If the government and legislation isn’t going to step in and assist us with creating standards, let’s set them ourselves. Let’s raise the bar so high that those who aren’t and never were qualified can’t reach it. Let’s then proceed to keep raising it higher and higher. Let’s, together, hold the bar while we climb our ladders and leave no man behind. Let the ones who don’t take what we do seriously take a seat behind us and let the world label them as ‘followers’ and not ‘professionals’. Let. Us. Lead. There is nothing we can’t do both independent and together to change the stereotype lurking in our midst and in the way of our future. In order for us to progress as an INDUSTRY, we need to make change and we need to do it NOW. Do we plow through ONE man strong or do we march forward TOGETHER one foot in front of the other and force the world to see us in a new light? It is your CHOICE.
2010 is OUR year to make this change last forever. It is OUR year to step up, hold our ground and stand up to the people who have tried so hard to take away our dignity. We are strong and we are even stronger as ONE. We may have to walk in as the minority, but we have voices to be heard that deserve attention. Band with me once and for all and let’s MAKE this change happen. Let’s get up right now and pledge our time as healthcare PROFESSIONALS to making this industry come back around full circle as a force that can’t be touched, brought down, or STOPPED. There is absolutely NOTHING we can’t do if we don’t put our minds to it and we have all the proof in the world that this fact is true, valid and reliable. Many people have gone up against great odds and beat them. We are no different. We are facing a situation here that is bigger than any one of us, but not unattainable for ALL of us. Let 2010 be our ANTHEM. Let us rise against all the tides and all the forces trying to keep us at a standstill. And let’s march. Let’s look the rest of our industry in the eye and demand to be listened to. We were all given talents and gifts that we should be sharing with each other and sharing with the world. Use them! Share them! Learn more about them and IMPLEMENT them into your life. Into your work. Bring them to life! This is YOUR future and we can make it THEIR past.
I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of seeing people sick and tired. So many people need our help, Faithful Readers, and if we don’t get out there to help them, who will? This is YOUR year, YOUR destiny. The wall in front of us isn’t there to keep us out. Rather it’s there to see how BADLY we want what’s behind it. How hard we are willing to fight to find a way above, around or through it. If we will be persevered through our heart’s will to redeem what so many others are sabotaging, we can make this year a year to go down in history. We can set ourselves apart from the rest by our own actions. By our own endeavors. Why must we stand back and wait for initiative to be taken outside of our industry? We need to work with what we have right now in the present moment and we have to take our own initiative. Time is what stands in our path and the longer we wait, the longer we sit back and wait. What we need is a revolution! We need to be standing when everyone else expects us to fall. We need to collectively band together and stand as ONE. This is YOUR time. Your year. Your life.
Stand with us in Connect To Fitness, and help us FIGHT together for what is rightfully ours. By coming together we can effectively strive in trying to optimize our careers in this industry. 2009 was an incredible success, but it was just the VERY tip of the iceberg. I would like to cordially invite you to join us in the most incredible journey you will ever be a part of. One that is taking over the fitness industry as we know it, beginning in Las Vegas and starting with YOU. Become involved. Walk with us. Become a part of what’s to become the biggest and movement and innovation in the fitness industry as you know it now and how you will know it in the future. If you are truly PASSIONATE about being a healthcare provider, you should feel an undying urgency to do something and to do it now. It’s never too early to come along, but one day… It could be too late.
2010 is OUR year to shine and the things we have planned to bring to YOU, Faithful Reader, and to the rest of the industry are beyond the longest stretch of the imagination and are completely unfathomable. Don’t sit back or make yourself unseen any longer. Now it THE time. This is IT! You may not get another chance in this lifetime… Make today the first day of the rest of your life….
You have the opportunity to make a difference starting NOW. How do you want to be remembered and how do you want to look back on your own life story? Don’t stand still. ACT. Don’t just act. RESOLVE. And don’t stop there... EVOLVE.
Get ready 2010… Connect To Fitness can’t be stopped.
“'Where there is a will there is a way'.' is an old true saying. He who resolves upon doing a thing, by that very resolution often scales the barriers to it, and secures its achievement. To think we are able, is almost to be so/to determine upon attainment is frequently attainment itself.”
-Samuel Smiles
“I am in earnest. I will not equivocate. I will not excuse. I will not retreat a single inch and I WILL be heard.”
-William Lloyd Garrison
“Be stirring as the time; be fire with fire. Threaten the threat'ner, and outface the brow Of bragging horror. So shall inferior eyes, That borrow their behaviors from the great, Grow great by your example and put on The dauntless spirit of resolution.”
-William Shakespeare
“Either I will find a way, or I will make one.”
-Philip Sidney
“You may be whatever you resolve to be. Determine to be something in the world, and you will be something. "I cannot," never accomplished anything; "I will try," has wrought wonders.
-J. Hawes
“There is no impossibility to him who stands prepared to conquer every hazard. The fearful are the failing.”
-Sarah J. Hale
“People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them.”
-G.B. Shaw
“If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.”
-Buddhist Saying
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Resolution To An Evolution
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